Химия в биологии, медицине и в производстве лекарственных веществ Химия в биологии, медицине и в производстве лекарственных веществСтраница 9
Studies on carbohydrates and vitamin C
Paul Karrer (Switzerland, 1889/04/21 - 1971/06/18)
Studies on carotenoids and flavins and vitamins A and B2
Richard Kuhn (Germany, 19001203 19670731) Studies
on carotenoids and vitamins
Adolf F. J. Butenandt (Germany, 1903/03/24 - 1995/01/18)
Studies on sexual hormones
Leopold Ruzicka (Switzerland,1887/09/13 - 1976/09/26)
Studies on polymethylenes and higher terpenes
Artturi I. Virtanen (Finland, 1895/01/15 - 1973/11/11)
Discoveries in the area of agricultural and food chemistry, method of preservation of fodder
John H. Northrop (USA, 1891/07/05 - 1987/05/27)
Wendell M. Stanley (USA, 1904/08/16 - 1971/06/15)
Preparation of enzymes and virus proteins in pure form
James B. Sumner (USA,1887/11/19 - 1955/08/12)
Crystallizability of enzymes
Sir Robert Robinson (United Kingdom, 1886/09/13 - 1975/02/08) Studies on alkaloids
Arne W. K. Tiselius (Sweden, 1902/08/10 1971/10/29)
Analysis by means of electrophoresis and adsorption, discoveries about serum proteins
Archer J. P. Martin (United Kingdom, *1910/03/01 - )
Richard L. M. Synge (United Kingdom, 1914/1028 1994/08/18)
Invention of distribution chromatography
1953 Hermann Staudinger (Germany, 1881/03/23 - 1965/09/08)
Discoveries in the area of macromolecular chemistry
Linus Carl Pauling (USA, 1901/02/28 - 1994/08/19)
Studies on the nature of the chemical bond (molecular structure of proteins)
Vincent du Vigneaud (USA, 1901/05/18 - 1978/12/11)
Synthesis of a polypeptide hormone
Sir Alexander R. Todd (United Kingdom, *1907/0702 - )
Studies on nucleotides and their coenzymes
Frederick Sanger (United Kingdom, *1918/08/13 - )
Structure of proteins, especially of insulin
1961 Melvin Calvin (USA, *1911/04/07 - )
Studies on the assimilation of carbonic acid by plants photosynthesis)
John Cowdery Kendrew (United Kingdom, *1917/03/24 - )
Max Ferdinand Perutz (United Kingdom, Austria, *1914/05/19 -
Studies on the structures of globulin proteins
Dorothy CrowfootHodgkin (United Kingdom, *1910/05/12)
Structure determination of biologically important substances by means of X rays
Robert Burns Woodward (USA, 1917/04/10 - 1979/07/08)
Syntheses of natural products
Odd Hassel (Norway, 1897/05/17 1981/05/13)
Derek H.Barton (United Kingdom, *1918/09/08 - )
Development of the concept of conformation
Luis F. Leloir (Argentina, *1906/09/06 - )
Discovery of sugar nucleotides and their role in the biosynthesis of carbohydrates
Christian B. Anfinsen (USA, *1916/03/26 - )
Studies on ribonuclease
Stanford Moore (USA, 1913/09/04 - 1982/08/23)
КРАСНОВСКИЙ Александр Абрамович (1913-93) , российский биохимик и биофизик, академик РАН (1991; академик АН СССР с 1976). Исследовал первичные стадии фотосинтеза, открыл реакцию обратимого фотохимического восстановления хлорофилла (реакция Красновского). Государственная премия СССР (1991).
ЕНИСЕЙСКИЕ ОСТЯКИ , енисейцы, устаревшее название кетов.
УЧАРАЛ , город (с 1984) в Казахстане, Талды-Курганская обл., на р. Тентек. 18,3 тыс. жителей (1991). Маслозавод и др.